In these days of global trade, endless supply, and magnificent business opportunities, why not take a step back, and spend some time preparing the ground, in the the literal sense. This time of the year is great for such activities, and after several months of winter, working outside in the fresh air is certainly a recipe to keep good health and to enjoy life with family and friends.
Long story short, after passing the formal application procedure and test, we are now the proud owners of a garden allotment, number 44. In German, Parzelle 44 (Kleingartenanlage am Riedsaumpark, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany).
The last owner could not maintain it for the last 2 years, so, it is in a bit desolate state, but nothing that can’t be fixed, and with these pictures being a few days old, it is now looking already much better.
This a general view of the allotment, 300 square meters total, a bit over 3200 square feet.

It also features several buildings: a garden house (stone-built, dry, and in good shape, just needs a bit of paint), a summer kitchen and workshop (wood frame construction, behind the house), and a tool shed (other side of the house), as well as a rather spacious patio. Enough space to stay there over the weekend, or to have extensive BBQ with a whole soccer team.

Needless to say, it is a garden house, there is no connection to the power grid, or to a gas pipeline – at least, we have tap water! All else will need to be served by propane bottles, and by a photovoltaic system. Sure enough, no need to upgrade this to a too high level, with the main residence just a 10 minutes walk away, and we don’t want to defeat the purpose of it, to be a bit close to nature!
Stay posted!